International Society for Comparative Adult Education

"Comparative Adult Education 2021"

ISCAE held its 7th conference in Vancouver, Canada, June 3 - 6, 2021
in co-operation with The University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Canada as a virtual version of the original 2020-conference.

Program ISCAE-pre-conference 'Comparing Adult Education in an Age of 'Populisms':

Photo UBC


International comparison means to explicitly identify and analyze similarities and differences in two or more countries and includes the attempt to understand why the differences and similarities occur and what they tell us about adult education in these countries and/or in "own and other" contexts. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum to collect, share, and discuss practices, concepts, evaluation, and research studies. By this we want
- to document and develop the actual knowledge about comparative research in adult education.
- to improve theory and practice in the education of adults.
- to support a network of colleagues working in and for international and comparative adult education.

Papers and Posters:

Our practice throughout the history of ISCAE conferences is to invite and strongly encourage contributions from a wide spectrum of international comparative topics that deal with, but are not limited to, the following comparative categories:
  • Comparative study sui generis: comparing one or more issues of adult education/andragogy in two or more contexts .
  • Critical reflection of comparative methods/principles: dealing with questions about the theory, principles, methods, and other topics related to comparison in the international context of adult education .
  • Lessons learned: reflecting and sharing experiences gained in International comparative research in which they faced problems, promises, challenges and pitfalls typical for comparative studies.
  • Reviewing: reporting developments, new publications, state-of-the-art of comparative research in a given country or region or language.
  • For more information about program, accepted papers, and practicalities point with your mouse left to yellow "More Info".