ARTICLE I: Name and Aims of the Society
1.1 Name: The name of this organization shall be the “International Society for Comparative Adult Education” (ISCAE).
1.2 Purpose: The general aim of the society is to increase awareness, value, and quality of international comparative adult education. The Society is organized for international comparative research, networking, and educational purposes.
1.3 Objectives: In particular the Society shall encourage the growth of international comparative adult education studies by
• providing an opportunity for international networking in the field of comparative adult education;
• promoting research in the area of international comparative adult education;
• organizing scholarly conferences;
• documenting and sharing developments and standards in the field of international comparative adult education through publications;
• co-operating with other societies with similar aims.
ARTICLE II: Membership
2.1 Membership: Eligibility for membership is open to all individuals interested in the field of international comparative adult education.
2.2 Application: Applicants are requested to complete the online membership form obtainable at:
2.3 Membership fees: The Society does not require fees from the members.
2.4 Membership contributions: Members are encouraged to actively contribute to the aims of the Society.
3.1 Board Officials: The Society is administered by a President, a Vice-President, and a Board of no more than five members. Together they are be responsible for overall policy and direction of the Society.
3.2 Leadership: The President, the Vice-President and the members of the Board are elected by the members of the Society for a term of three years.
3.3 Successive Terms: Re-election of Board officials for consecutive terms will be possible.
3.4 All members can nominate candidates. Each nomination has to be supported by two additional members of the Society.
3.5 Additional roles and tasks may be taken on by other Board members, if and when needed.
3.6 The Board may invite additional members on an ad-hoc basis to the Board in order to ensure balanced representation of different world regions or to assist the Board with specific tasks.
3.7 The Board shall meet twice a year, at an agreed upon time and place - or virtually.
3.8 The Board shall organize an ISCAE conference once every three years.
ARTICLE IV: Amendments
4.1 Proposals for amendments to these Statutes may be submitted to the Board by any member of the Society with the support of two additional members.
4.2 Amendments to this Statute require that two-thirds of the members participating in a ballot approve the proposed modification.