 International Society for Comparative Adult Education
7th ISCAE Conference:
"Comparative Adult Education 2020" (Vancouver, Canada)
 Foto: NN
ISCAE AEGT Pre-conference June 3rd 2021 timeline:
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Pacific Time | Presenter, topic |
7:00 – 9 am PT 16:00-18:00 CEST | Panel discussion: Populism and adult education – comparative perspectives
- John Holford, University of Nottingham, UK: Introductory Remarks.
- Anke Grotlueschen, University of Hamburg, Germany: Pierre Rosanvallon's Analysis of Neoliberal Paradigms such as the 'Equality of Chances' as a Central Cause for Populism.
- Timothy Ireland, Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil: Far-right Populism and the COVID pandemic in Brazil: Adult Education in survival mode.
- Fergal Finnegan, Maynooth University, Ireland: Reflections on emancipatory adult education in an era populism and polycrisis.
- Katarina Popović, University of Belgrade, Serbia:Populism in Different Ideological Contexts.
Across the world, the hegemony of "neoliberal globalisation" is challenged by "populism."
From Austria and Bulgaria to India and Italy, from "Brexit" to "Trumpism,"
forms of populism have taken hold. Most are strongly nationalistic. Many are
also influenced by other kinds of "identity politics": by ethnicity, religion,
region, class, language, gender. Often, identity is expressed less in loyalty
than in anger against supposed threats: from immigrants, from groups – women,
ethnic minorities, and so forth – previously subordinated but now claiming
equal status. Populist politicians and parties often claim to act for – and to
be supported by – those excluded from the benefits of neoliberalism: the
unemployed, communities and cities "left behind."
are, of course, frequently associated with authoritarianism, scepticism about
democratic institutions and methods, and the elevation of "leadership" and the
charismatic leader. Often, or so many claim, they are strengthened by modern
social media's "confirmation bias" – not to mention the forms of interaction it
facilitates, from cyberbullying to surveillance.
This panel
will explore how resurgent forms of populism are affecting adult education.
What are the differences between countries and types of populism, and do they
have different implications for adult education? Are there lessons to be drawn
from experience in other countries, or other times – populism has a long,
complex, sometimes colourful, often cruel, history. Have national or
international policies – including policies toward adult education – played any
part in the resurgence of populism? What approaches have adult educators
evolved to survive amid populism – and challenge it?
9.30-11.00 am PT 18:30-20:00 CEST | Presentations I
- Jinhee Choi, Seoul National University, South Korea: Who is your neighbor?”: Autoethnography of ethnographic journey with North Korean migrants.
- Borut Mikulec, University of Ljublijana, Slovenia and Paula Guimarães, Univerity of Lisboa, Portugal: The role of the OECD in adult education policy: Adult learning systems through the lens of skills' strategies in Portugal and Slovenia.
- Sofia Antera and Manos Pavlakis, Stockholm University, Sweden:University Teaching in the Covid Era: is this the dawn of a new Paradigm Shift?
11.30-12.30 am PT 20:30-21:30 CEST | Presentations II
- Alan Knox, University of Wisconsin – Madison, U.S.A., Simone Conceição, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, U.S.A. and Terry Gibson, University of Wisconsin – Madison, U.S.A.: Stages for international comparative inquiry
- Mai Atta, The Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A., Maria Alicia Vetter, Independent Researcher, U.S.A., and John D. Holst, The Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.: A Comparative Study of Youth and Adult Education in two Social Movements Contexts
| Meeting and greeting, Welcome meeting of ISCAE, conference opening by Prof. Tom Sork, President of ISCAE Current issues and challenges in Comparative Adult Education
ISCAE Business meeting
| Presenter, topic |
| Lessons learned Round Table and Plenary Discussion Closing |