International Society for Comparative Adult Education

In memory of Alexander N. Charters

Alexander N. Charters
Fond Memories by a friend and colleague - John A. Henschke

The founder of our society, Alexander N. Charters died on the night of August 7 2018 during his sleep, just a couple of weeks short of his 102nd birthday.  He was one of Adult Education's 'icons'; a very prominent mover, shaker and important force in our field. He served for a number of years prior to his retirement as Vice-President of Continuing Education at Syracuse University, New York.  Alex was present, active or served as an officer, and visible when any adult education organizations in the USA or around the globe held annual or periodic conferences.  (These included at least:  American Association of Adult and Continuing Education [AAACE], University Professional Continuing Education Association [UPCEA]; Association for Continuing Higher Education [ACHE]; International Society for Comparative Adult Education [ISCAE]; UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning [UIL]  International Council of Adult Education [ICAE]; Commission on International Adult Education [CIAE] of AAACE; Commission of Professors of Adult Education [APCE]; etc.)

My first connections with Alexander was in DC, September 1986, and Hollywood, FL at AAACE in October 1986, when I carried his baggage from one hotel to another, since even back then he had heart problems.

Dr. Alexander N. Charters' leaves a most lasting legacy to our field in his "Charters Library in Adult and Continuing Education" at Syracuse University, which has the world's largest collection of adult and continuing education materials. Adult Educators from around the globe may research and learn there (with some funding support from Alex and Margaret-his wife) for decades, perhaps centuries to come.

The field abundantly thanks you both, Alexander and Margaret Charters
Without him ISCAE would not exist!

The photo was taken at our 2012-conference in Las Vegas.

Link to Obituary published in the Syracuse Post Standard    Link to 'Siddiqui: Contributions of Dr. Alexander N. Charters' (2002)