International Society for Comparative Adult Education

Accepted papers for our Post-Conference November 9-10, 2024:
"Comparative Adult Education 2024" (Florence, Italy)


  • Jost Reischmann, Germany: ISCAE's publications and activities. download .pdf
  • Thomas J. Sork, Hongxia Shan, Canada, Alexandra Ioannidou, Katrin Kaufmann-Kuchta, Germany: Case study of reflexive analysis for avoiding the pitfalls of comparative research.
  • Mejai. B. M. Avoseh, USA: Holistic and Linear Rubrics of ALE for Global Citizenship Inclusion and Participation: A Comparative Analysis.
  • Katrin Denys, Uwe Gartenschlaeger, Heribert Hinzen, Barbara Hust (Germany): Institutionalization and professionalization of adult learning and education (ALE) – a comparative perspective on the ALE Toolbox of DVV International.<
  • Shibao Guo and Ling Lei, Canada: Revisiting social movement learning in times of rising racism: A comparative perspective.
  • Jan Kalenda, Czech Republic: Formation of Adult Learning Systems in Central Europe: One Region, Three Pathways
  • Timea Mészáros, Vilmos Vass, Hungary: The Relationship Between Adult Learning Education And The Transformation of Tacit Knowledge. Comparative Research on Cases Studies in Hungary and Slovakia. download .pdf.
  • Marcella Milana, Italy, Pepka Boyadjieva, Bulgaria, Margherita Bussi Belgium, Petya Ilieva-Trichkova, Bulgaria, Palle Rasmussen, Denmark: The evolution of Adult Learning Systems and social inclusion: A comparative study of Denmark, Bulgaria, and Italy
  • Norton, Frances-Ann, UK: Three Countries, one Method: How might a Comparative Study in Art Schools Develop Understanding of Sustainable Development Goals? download .pdf.
  • Daphne W. Ntiri, PhD Jean-Claude Quenum, PhD, USA: Adult Literacy and the Hidden Hand of Politics: A Comparative Look at United States and Namibia.
  • Malgosia Malec Rawinski, Sweden: Aging in small local communities - snapshots from Poland and Japan.